We are happy to help you with any queries that you may have about this.
Please feel free to contact us at secretary@colwallorchardgroup.org
Alternatively please write to us at
Colwall Orchard Group
Old Church Road
Colwall WR13 6HB
We recommend that you use a solicitor to make a new will or to amend your existing will.
Our registered charity number is 1142573
and our address is
Colwall Orchard Group
Old Church Road
Colwall WR13 6HB
While we welcome gifts in wills that can be used for general purposes we also accept gifts for a particular use. That means that you can choose where and what you money is spent on - maybe the acquisition of land, tree purchase and planting, environmental education.
All correspondence should be sent to
Colwall Orchard Group
Old Church Road
Colwall WR13 6HB
We understand that leaving a gift in your will is a personal decision.
We promise that we will
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